Friday evening. Almost 8 pm. And I was still at work - not working but just having one e-learning course (Fundamental of critical thinking...well...). Nevermind.
Allmost all people are gone. Two of my colleagues were still sitting there. Both of them are round 30, both married one of them has a little son. And suddenly he says: "My wife gave me a call already one hour ago and she just told that this is really not the way she likes." (Looks like she still hasn't got used to the time requirements of her husband's job - a cynical joke). The other one just replies: "Hm . I am facing quite an opposite problem. I cannot reach my wife with phone." And the first one says: "This is the next phase."
Patek. Skoro osm vecer. Stale sedim v praci - nepracuju, ale delam jeden e-learningovy kurz (Zaklady kritickeho
Skoro vsichni uz jsou pryc. Dva mi kolegove jsou jeste mezi par pozustalymi. Oboum je kolem triceti, oba zenati, jeden ma maleho syna. Najednou rika: "Uz pred hodinou mi volala zena, ze takhle teda fakt ne." (Zrejme si stale jeste nezvykla na zivotni rytmus sveho muze - cynicky vtipek). Druhy na to: "To ja mam jiny problem. Ja se uz delsi dobu nemuzu dovolat sve zene." Prvni: "To je uz dalsi faze."
Pardubice a la Hitchcock
Par klipu / Some music movies
The last couple of weeks was really busy so even thinking of some meaningfull contributions (which would "count") was quite difficult. Nevertheless, regardless of how much time I spent at work or so I enjoyed several music movies on YouTube. Here they are:
- Looking Out My Backdoor by Creedence Clearwater Revival - wonderful music and a movie full of good mood. Which is quite opposite to what happened later in the band. You can read the story in the wikipedia article which is something like a story about a hard life with a genius. BTW: for me the movie is a good reminder of the fact that you should always think first before you choose your haircut... :-). (Read the article thoroughly - you may find interesting info about Saul Zaentz - e.g. producer of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)
- You might have noticed that there are some lyrics in the bottom in the links. One of them is Warriors of the World by Manowar. Quite a militaristic song. The official music movie is not interesting whereas the following two are. The first one - sometimes it is really difficult to say whether they meant it seriously or it was just a parody (If you really cannot sustain it just go to 1:20. It is really worth it :-)). I am still not sure. And the second movie...well, just enjoy :-).
- And finally a third movie just in order to let you calm a little bit down. It's sort of music movie for Blue - one of the incredible trilogy Three colours by Krszysztof Kieslowski and a music composer Zbigniew Preisner.
Posledni dva tydny byly dosti hekticke, takze i jen pouhe premysleni o smysluplnych prispevcich se prilis nedostavovalo. At tak ci onak, podarilo se mi aspon shlednout par videoklipu na YouTube, o ktere bych se rad podelil:
- Looking Out My Backdoor od Creedence Clearwater Revival - krasna hudba a klip plny dobre nalady. Coz je v dosti velkem protikladu k tomu, jak skupina skoncila - muzete si o tom precist v clanku na Wikipedii. Ve zkratce: jde o to, ze s geniem se obcas zije hodne spatne. Krom toho je klip dukazem toho, ze pred tim, nez si clovek vybere uces, mel by si to radne rozmyslet. A propos: pokud budete cist povidani o CCR na Wikipedii, dozvite se neco i o Saulovi Zaentzovi (mj. producent Preletu nad kukaccim hnizdem).
- Asi jste si vsimli, ze dole mezi odkazy jsou odkazy na texty nekterych pisni. Jednou z nich je Warriors of the World od Manowar. Takova pekna militaristicka pisen. Oficialni klip nic moc. Ale tyhle dva stoji za to. U prvniho clovek dosti vaha, jestli to bylo mysleno vazne, nebo slo o parodii. Buh sud (pokud byste to fakt nemohli vydrzet, mrknete se aspon na 1:20, tam to skutecne stoji za to :-). A ten, kouknete se.
- A na zaver treti klip, trochu na uklidneni. Je to jakoby klip k Modre - jedne ze tri casti fantasticke Kieslowskeho trilogie Tri barvy. Hudba od Zbigniewa Preisnera.
Intelektualne zdatny vandal
Foceno tento vikend v Pardubicich. Jo, v Hradci neco takoveho jiste nemaji :-) .
P.S. Je to vyskrabano, ne tupe nastrikano sprejem, to je prakticky sgrafiti (ci jak se to pise).
P.S. Je to vyskrabano, ne tupe nastrikano sprejem, to je prakticky sgrafiti (ci jak se to pise).

Odkud je PFko? / Where is PF from?
The PF picture is surprisingly not from Finland - even though it looks like that (as several of you noted and as I realized afterwards). It is from the Czech Republic from the wonderful area of Jeseniky Mountains and the area of Rejviz in particular. It is just at the peaty lake.

Fotka na PFku neni z Finska - i kdyz tak vypada, na coz jsem byl par lidmi upozornen a sam jsem si i posleze uvedomil. Obrazek je z Jeseniku, od Rejvizu, hned od raselinneho jezirka.
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