I am just reading a book by Mr.Cilek - a Czech geologist who is also a prolific author of essays on the landscape and it deeper and related meanings.
This recalled me of a little "philosophical" exercise I did certain time ago.
I believe that every man keeps in his mind some ideas about what is and what is not right or what values are the right ones. And man identifies with those values according to which he lives.
I think that in reality the number of values our life is really compatible with is quite small - when compared with the number of values we trust in.
This kind of finding ("I believe in so many values but my life is compatible with just a few of them") was quite interesting for me - scary and relieving at the same time.
One of the values I am pretty fine with is something what one could call love to this country, to this land. It is probably based on what I know about history. But maybe it was lighted up when I realized for the first time the beauty of this land...
Velikonoce na chalupe blizko Albrechtic. Krom dobre party (vdecnost patri Kviteti) predevsim priroda. Pro me ceska krajina zustane asi navzdy takova, jaka se jevi u nasi chalupy (vzpominam na skoro az sok, kdyz jsem poprve videl homole v severnich Cechach).
Okoli Albrechtic mi prislo velmi podobne tomu, nac jsem zvykly a co mam zaryto nekde v hloubce. Trochu mi to ladi s knihou, kterou ted ctu.
Pred jistou dobou mi vytanulo na mysli takove filosoficko-hodnotove cviceni (da-li se tomu tak vubec rikat).
Kazdy clovek asi chova ve sve mysli predstavy o tom, co je a co neni spravne, nebo-li jake hodnoty jsou ty prave. A ztotoznuje je s temi hodnotami, za ktere by byl ochoten se brat, resp. podle kterych zije. Myslim, ze ve skutecnosti tech hodnot, podle kterych zijeme, byva v porovnani s temi, kterym verime, spise mene. Nekdy jich muze byt i podstatne mene.
Takove zjisteni ("verim v kde co, ale skutecne se popasovat muzu jen s tim a tim") pro me bylo zajimave - trosku strasidelne, trosku ulevne.
Jednou z hodnot, se kterymi jsem srovnan, je neco, co bych, snad ne prilis pateticky, nazval laskou k teto zemi. Vychazi asi z urcite znalosti dejin, mozna ale, ze prvni "zazehnuti" vzniklo pri prvnim pohledu do te krasne krajiny...

Obycejna zabi vajicka v ryze vedle cesty. Novy zivot roztomilych zivocichu.

Well, the clouds were just beatiful. Maybe even too much :-).
Mraky byly toho dne citankove krasne a dramaticke.

You cannot see it that well on the picture. But I found the view over so many ridges in reality very charming. Unreachableness and prompt.
Na fotce to tolik nevynikne. Ale pohled do dali pres dalsi a dalsi hrbety mi prisel krasny. Nedosazitelnost a naznak.

Mr.Cilek would probably appreciate this picture (place). Spirit of the landscape. Might be that there was a stela standing there. And someone knocked it down, broke it into pieces and put it into foundation of a cottage.
Tak tohle by se Cilkovi muselo libit. Duch krajiny. Kdo vi, jestli tam pred tim nestala kamenna stela, kterou kdysi kdosi povalil, roztkloukl a pridal do zakladu nektere z chalup. Kdo vi :-).

Do you know the final part of Seventh seal?
Zaverecna scena Bergmannova filmu Sedma pecet. Tak trochu.
Just an edge of a water tank (I like edges).
Okraj vodni nadrzky ve svahu. Jeji ucel neni jasny, ale rekl bych, ze je v ni voda pro snezna dela.
I know that it is not recommended to take pictures against the sunlight. But I simply couldn't help myself. I was crawling, twisting over a plash - but I think it was worth it.
Ja vim, ze proti slunci se fotit nema, ale tohle mi proste nedalo. Plazil jsem se po zemi, kroutil se nad louzi, ale vysledek, myslim, stoji za to.
Or not?
You could simplify it just into several lines and areas. Beauty of geometry?
Cele by se to dalo dat do nekolika car a ploch. Krasa geometrie?
Maybe the picture would be prettier without the wire. Maybe not. Nevertheless you must ask a question about taking picture of a landscapes without wires, chimneys, ...