Two issues related somehow to the technology that may be invented in the future.
You may know that one of the arguments of those who are rather against global warming countermeasures is that there will be some technologies invented in the future which will allow the manhood to deal with some of the unpleasant consequences of global warming in much more effective way than the technologies we have currently. Therefore they suggest not to do much now but rather wait for the future (because using the current technology would be too costly).
Another story: a friend of mine got married and she started considering having a baby with her husband. And then she realized that her grandmother become blind probably due to pregnancy. According to doctors there is also certain probability that the same would happen to my friend. So now she is rether considering an adoption.
But what if the medicine/science comes with some "countremeasures" to her potential diseas? That was my first idea - but being "a consultant" in these matters is something quite different to being the one who has to make the final decision.
Honestly, I am not sure how (whether) these two stories are somehow strongly linked to each other. What probably connects them is technology, fears, and good hopes. And the unbearable lightness of being...
Puvodne jsem chtel tenhle clanek nazvat "Technologie, obavy a nadeje". Ale uvedomil jsem si, ze ma dost co do cineni s jednim prispevkem z minulosti...
Dve temata, ktera maji neco spolecneho s technologiemi, ktere mohou byt vynalezeny teprve v budoucnosti.
Asi jste zaregistrovali, ze jednim z argumentu, kteri pouzivaji ti, kteri jsou v zasade proti protiopatrenim proti globalnimu oteplovani (a veci souvisejicich), je, ze v budoucnu budou vynalezeny technologie, ktere lidstvu umozni vyrovnat s nepriznivymi dopady globalniho oteplovani. A to mnohem efektivneji, nez by to umoznily technologie, ktere mame k dispozici nyni. Z toho duvodu doporucuji nyni neprijimat zadna protiopatreni, alebrz pockat do budoucnosti (protoze vyuziti soucasnych technologii by bylo prilis drahe).
Jiny pribeh: ma kamaradka se vdala a zacli s manzelem uvazovat o diteti. Pak si ovsem uvedomila, ze jeji babicky oslepla pravdepodobne v dusledku tehotenstvi/porodu. Podle lekaru je urcita pravdepodobnost, ze ji se stane totez.
Ale co kdyz medicina/veda prijde s nejakymi "protiopatrenimi" na jeji potencialni nemoc? Tohle byla asi prvni vec, ktera me napadla. Ale v tomto pripade, vice nez v jakem jinem, je role "konzultanta" dost odliseno od nutnosti skutecne se rozhodnout a ucinit rozhodnuti, ktere vas sameho ovlivni.
Nejsem si uplne jist, co spojuje tahle dve temata. Videl bych to na technologii, obavy a nadeje. A nebo nesnesitelnou lehkost byti...
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