So today I finally had time to read the Mart Laar's blog - he is a former Estonian prime minister. To encourage you to have a look on his contributions let me quote from his blog:
"I have never understood why the free World is still so much following the ideas of Karl Marx, which means that there are surprisingly lot of remnants of Marxism in the Western realities. One of them is progressive taxation. In their “Communist Manifesto”, first published in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels demanded “a heavy progressive or graduated income tax”. For the founders of Marxism progressive taxation was so important that in their demands it was listed as second in importance only after the “abolition of property in land”. When the destructive nature of the first demands is largely recognized, then the nest main pillar of Marxist thinking is used in most Western countries. In long run the results of this can be very destructive too. Taking from human being one of the most valuable abilities: to make its own decisions, use its talents, to be creative and innovative, their human dignity is strongly endangered."
Asi jste si vsimli, ze pod "REFLEXTIONS" jsou umisteny odkazy na rozlicne blogy. Faktem je, ze ctu jen nektere (najme Idees Fixes). Ostatni jsou tam jen proto, ze jsem se nekde dostal k odkazu a proste ho dal na blog. A ted jsem se dostal k blogu Marta Laara, byvaleho estonskeho premiera. Jako drobne navnadeni prikladam preklad casti jeho prispevku.
"Nikdy jsem nechapal, proc svobodny svet stale tolik nasleduje ideje Karla Marxe, tj. proc je v zapadnim svete tolik pozustatku marxismu. Jednim z nich je progresivni zdaneni. Ve svem 'Komunistickem manifestu', ktery byl publikovan v roce 1848, Karel Marx a Bedrich Engels pozadovali 'silne progresivni dan z prijmu'. Pro zakladatele marxismu bylo progresivni zdaneni natolik dulezite, ze ho mezi svymi pozadavky umistili na druhem miste hned za 'zrusenim pozemkoveho vlastnictvi'. Zatimco skodlivost prvniho pozadavku je siroce uznavana, druhy pozadavek je hojne vyuzivan ve vetsine zapadnich zemi. V dlouhodobem casovem meritku mohou byt dusledky tohoto opatreni stejne nicive. Brat lidske bytosti jednu z nejdulezitejsich vlastnosti - delat vlastni rozhodnuti, vyuzivat sveho nadani, byt kreativni a inovativni - znamena, ze lidska dustojnost je ohrozena."
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