So if you, accidentally :-), would like to give me a present here are some ideas:
- leaf tea (Darjeeling and Ceylon preferred, some white teas may be also interesting)
- music: Arvo Part, Philip Glass (preferrably with Ravi Shankar or Hours soundtrack), Henryk Gorecki
- books: philosophy, cognitive science, critical thinking
- whisky (single malt :-))
- pipe tobacco (rather milder flavours, not necessarily fruit flavoured ones) or cigars
- ties (the smaller/finer patter the better), no preferred colour, nothing resemblimg seventies
- pajama (no special preferrence, some conservative options with slight aspect of fun may not be wrong)

- sypany caj (vitan je zvlaste Darjeeeling, pripadne Ceylon, nebranim se vyzkouseni bilych caju)
- hudba: Arvo Part, Philip Glass (s Ravi Shankarem nebo soundtrack k Hodinam), Henryk Górecki
- knihy: filosofie, kognitivni vedy, kriticke mysleni, Cilek (idealne Dychat s ptaky)
- whisky (idealne single malt)
- dymkovy tabak (jemnejsi, coz nemusi nutne byt dochuceny ruznymi ovocnymi vunemi), doutni(c)ky
- kravaty (cim mensi ci jemnejsi vzorek, tim lepe, ne cokoli, co by pripominalo 70. leta)
- predplatne: Respekt nebo Art & Antiques
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