There are several groups of Czech Army abroad. Only one of them is assigned for combat operations (to the best of knowledge others are peacekeeping). It is the 601st Special Forces Group of General Moravec. They are now in Afghanistan taking part in anti – terrorist operation Enduring Freedom.
Good luck.

Narazil jsem na
clanek popisujici soucasnou aktivitu
601. skupiny speciálních sil generála Moravce v Afganistanu - jedine ceske bojove jednotky v soucasnosti zapojene do bojovych operaci (prinejmensim podle
seznamu nasich soucasnych zahranicnich misi).
Hodne stesti.
1 comment:
601cka uz je doma, prilitli pred trema tydny, posledni dve desitky 14 days ago.
Doporucuju podivat se na strankach na reportaz na prime: ZDE.
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