Asi sedesat lidi z nejakych 12 zemi. Ctyri dny v Helsinkach. Erasmus Student Network, Pallomeri spirit (to nebudu vysvetlovat tady, to je na osobni povidani). Nedostatek spanku, samozrejme. Tmave a vlhke dny. Parada.
Can you imagine that? They opened the terminal 2 couple of months ago. And the hook is still not there. Things like this make me mad. / Nad timhle zustava rozum stat. Kdy ten terminal dve otevreli? A kdy jako primontuji hacky?
Taking pictures on my way to Munich. Is it Krivoklat? / Na ceste do Mnichova. Krivoklat?
A "close moment". Close to the airport in Munich. The sky is getting really crowded. / Slusne priblizeni. U mnichovskeho letiste. Obloha se plni.
The Cathedral in Helsinki. I love it. / Velka slabost, helsinska katedrala.

Suomenlinna. Another place of Helsinki I really like. / Suomenlinna. Dalsi uzasne helsinske misto.
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