Something about my personal results. I placed 6th - out of 16. Which is not bad after all but I expected more. The score is counted as number of points gained by hitting the enemies minus points for being hit. I had the lowest number of points deducted because of being hit.
Aversion to risk?

Buddysystemacka brigada smrti :-) / The Buddy System brigade of death :-)
V patek se stretly v Laser Game dve prazske ESN sekce - Buddy System a ISC CVUT Prague. Nase dosti obranna strategie se vyplatila - natrhli jsme jim pozadi 1940:661. I kdyz si stezovali, ze jsme to pojali prilis defenzivne, tak bych chybu videl spise v tom, ze jim proste moc dlouho trvalo, nez prisli na protitaktiku - prudke vypady do nasi "pevnosti".
Ted k mym vysledkum. Vysledek ve hre se pocita jako rozdil mezi body ziskanymi za zasahy ostatnich a body za to, kdyz nekdo zasahne vas. Skoncil jsem 6. ze 14, coz nakonec neni tak spatne, ale ocekaval jsem vice. Mel jsem nejmensi pocet bodu za zasahy od ostatnich. Ale nejak jsem se malo trefoval do nich.
Zeby averze k riziku?
Sapkowski: "Looking for heroes ? The graveyards are full of them"
True. But there are always some "but"(s)...
sure - what I meant was that brave and bold charge does not always lead to a success. The history provides dozens of examples, just pick 2nd Para UK and their fight at Goose Green or say in Arnhem.
Defense posture in CQB is a good tactics; nevertheless the joy of forcing the enemy out of his position during the assault is so much stronger then just rejoice over "shooting the pigeons from behind the rampart" ;-)
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