Large numbers of reindeer moving around on roads in Lapland
I guess that most of you who know me know my obsession with Finland. Therefore I read the online English edition of Helsingin Sanomat (leading Finnish newspaper) from time to time. I guess not many of you are interested in that - but I still feel somehow "obliged" to inform you that there are big problems with reindeer moving around on roads :-). Just a little quote which for a Central European guy sounds really interesting: "Salt attracts reindeer to the road areas, even though the Road Administration has tried to minimize the use of salt in certain areas. So far, solutions involving less tasty salt have proved to be too expensive."
Ma posedlost Finskem je, myslim, pomerne znama. Takze mi to neda a obcas si ctu internetovou verzi anglickeho vydani Helsingin Sanomat, coz je jeden z hlavnich finskych deniku. Chapu, ze vas to nemusi zajimat tak, jako me, nicmene mi to neda a proste vas musim informovat o tom, ze predevsim v provinciich Oulu a Laponsko jsou problemy se soby, kteri se zacinaji moc toulat po silnicich. Pritazlivost clanku v HS tkvi dost mozna v tom, ze se tam stredoevropsky ctenar setka mnohdy s necim, ceho se mu doma vskutku nedostane: "Sul pritahuje soby k silnicim, i kdyz se sprava silnic snazi jeji pouzivani v nekterych oblastech omezit. Reseni zalozene na mene chutne soli se prozatim ukazalo jako prilis nakladne."

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