
PF 2007

All the best!

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Large numbers of reindeer moving around on roads in Lapland

I guess that most of you who know me know my obsession with Finland. Therefore I read the online English edition of Helsingin Sanomat (leading Finnish newspaper) from time to time. I guess not many of you are interested in that - but I still feel somehow "obliged" to inform you that there are big problems with reindeer moving around on roads :-). Just a little quote which for a Central European guy sounds really interesting: "Salt attracts reindeer to the road areas, even though the Road Administration has tried to minimize the use of salt in certain areas. So far, solutions involving less tasty salt have proved to be too expensive."

Ma posedlost Finskem je, myslim, pomerne znama. Takze mi to neda a obcas si ctu internetovou verzi anglickeho vydani Helsingin Sanomat, coz je jeden z hlavnich finskych deniku. Chapu, ze vas to nemusi zajimat tak, jako me, nicmene mi to neda a proste vas musim informovat o tom, ze predevsim v provinciich Oulu a Laponsko jsou problemy se soby, kteri se zacinaji moc toulat po silnicich. Pritazlivost clanku v HS tkvi dost mozna v tom, ze se tam stredoevropsky ctenar setka mnohdy s necim, ceho se mu doma vskutku nedostane: "Sul pritahuje soby k silnicim, i kdyz se sprava silnic snazi jeji pouzivani v nekterych oblastech omezit. Reseni zalozene na mene chutne soli se prozatim ukazalo jako prilis nakladne."


V risi ledu / In the realm of ice

You may like this short movie. It was taken from a helicopter landing on an icebreaker. I love it.

Mozna by se vam mohlo libit tohle video. Je natoceno z vrtulniku pristavajiciho na ledoborci. Krasa.


Happy Christmas (from Laphroaig)

I guess many of you have already faced certain kind of corporate "Happy Christmas" letters. Usually they are just rubbish. But here is one which a friend of mine considers to be an exceptional one - and so do I. Maybe it is because of the tone, maybe it is because of the wonderful product it represents.
So let me join this wonderful greeting and say Happy Christmas to you!

Dear Martin
I hope my Christmas letter and e-card (see below) finds you well and of good cheer! Winter came early to our Island this year with huge storms pounding your distillery day after day. No need to worry though, our outer sea walls are over 4 foot thick. Indeed the footings of No.1 warehouse even pre-date the distillery as it stands on what was originally Donald Johnston's cattle stables. This is an interesting point of history. For those of you who don't know, one of the reasons that the original farm distilled whisky was because it was a cattle farm. During the summer barley was grown to feed the cattle over the winter. When there was surplus stocks of barley, the Johnston brothers had two choices – throw it away or distil the barley. Fortunately for us they chose the latter route. Indeed this is why we do not know the exact date that distilling commenced on their farm as in those days it was all done illegally! If you have bought a bottle of our Quarter Cask, you will have read that the little barrels first used in those far off days were considered very useful in transporting the spirit by pack horse (at night when the customs man was asleep!) 2006 has been one of our busiest years ever. We are now distilling to our maximum capacity – literally 24 hours a day, 7 days a week such is your thirst for the unique flavour of Laphroaig. Of course the spirit we are making will not be drunk for many a long year but, even now, Laphroaig is in short supply so we have to consider the future requirements as best we can. With all this activity we have to replace our stills from time to time (the copper walls become so thin they cannot be patched anymore). This was one of those years with still no. 3 being replaced. As always we use Forsyth's of Rothes who have been building and repairing our stills as long as anyone can remember. They use all the traditional methods (like us) and faithfully replicate the exact shape of it's 'father' so there are no changes at all to the spirit it makes, which is the way we want it. It was also in many ways our best year. The San Francisco World Spirit Competition is considered by many to be one of the most prestigious and hardest fought competitions in the world. In 2006 we swept the board! Not only did we win 'double gold' for our 10 year old, cask strength, quarter cask and 15 year old but our 30 year old won 'Best Whisky of show' and – wait for it – your distillery was named 'Distiller of the year'! So if you need an extra reason to raise your glass – now you have it! Nearer to home we had a very successful Feis Isle. May I thank all of you who wrote in saying how much you enjoyed our special distillery bottling – it was good wasn't it! (Robert and I selected two top barrels from 1994 which we hand bottled here at the distillery). I know that literally thousands of you were disappointed not to be able to get a bottle and I will ask Robert to choose extra barrels of his selection for next year. At the time of writing I have no idea what we will be choosing. The only guarantee is you know it will be worth the wait! This year's Feis Isle gave us the first opportunity to meet our second guide dog that you made possible. You may remember we asked you to name him and the result was 'Smokey'. Smokey is a black Labrador (Froaig is a golden) he was only 8 weeks old and had just met his trainers. We looked after him for a day when his trainers went walking on the paps of Jura (this is far too tough for an 8 week puppy). I must say he was very well behaved. We have shot a little video of him which we will be putting up on your website . Talking of charities, 2007 is going to be a very special year for Laphroaig. I am sure you are as proud as we are sponsoring 2 guide dogs for the blind. However, we always secretly wanted to do something for our Island community up here on Islay. This opportunity has just come up and, if it's ok with you, we will now be contributing to helping our local community at Port Ellen. They have long needed an all weather sports pitch. Our local school has been leading the way in this fundraising effort as the pitch will be on their grounds. It will make a real difference to the lives of everybody up here and we hope it can be built over the next year. So, if anyone fancies starting a 'Friends of Laphroaig football team' now's your chance. Any ideas for a name? When I have some pictures of the plan I will post them on the website. 2007 is going to be special in other (whisky) ways, but I m not allowed to talk about that yet! However, as always you will be the first to know whatever it may be, so keep a close eye on your Emails from me!That just leaves me the pleasant task of wishing you a very happy Christmas and a great Hogmanay. As always, we at the distillery will be raising a glass of our finest to you.Please click on the link below for your personalised Friends of Laphroaig Christmas card and do feel free to send your own version to your friends.

Slainthe Mathe
John Campbell


Nesnesitelna lehkost byti

This time the article is completely in Czech (well, except for these words :-)). The article is just a long quote of one Czech philosopher who writes about Milan Kundera´s "The Unbearable Lightness of Being". Mybe some of the Czech readers would like to volunteer and translate at least the first part which is a quote of Nietzsche.
Update. Thanks to Martin there is a translated piece of my text. "In the world of eternal return the weight of unbearable responsibility lies heavy on every move we make. Yet we do not live in such a world - as the first rehearsal for life is life itself. The life that we live does not repeat, it just flows through our fingers away. Our decisions are the matter of the moment they have been taken. The life is short, there is so much that we would need to learn, that for the briefness of our life we only embrace the fraction and the favourable breath can be recognized just as it passes away. Why then to worry our's head. Although the uniqueness lightens, our decisions are excusively ours, therefore we respond to them with our lives, which is unbearable."

Dovoluji si prilozit jeden delsi souvisly text. Byl napsan Miroslavem Petrickem v Tydnu. Tema je nasnade - Kunderova Nesnesitelna lehkost byti.
Nejak mi to doooost padlo do noty. V dobe prechodu zivotnich fazi...

Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí je titul zajisté velmi apartní, elegantní paradox na pozadí ducha kožené vážnosti, s níž měli přistupovat k žitovu, jsou to tři slova, který na obálce knihy téměř tančí. A lze se jimi blýsknout ve společnosti, po kunderovsku citovat Nietzscheho a říci: "Ve světě věčného navracení leží na každém gestu tíha nesnesitelné odpovědnosti, avšak my v takovém životě nežijeme, každá naše první zkouška na život je už život sám, takže život, která žijeme, se nejen neopakuje, nýbrž nezadržitelně nám protéká mezi prsty. Naše rozhodnutí jsou věcí jen té chvíle, ve které byla učiněna. Život je krátký, toho, čemu bychom se potřebovali učit je tolik, že z toho pro krátkost našeho života obsáhneme jenom zlomek, a příznivá chvíle se pozná, teprve když minula. Nač si tedy lámat hlavu. Jakkoli ale jedinečnost odlehčuje, jsou naše rozhodnutí výlučně naše, tedy za ně odpovídáme svými životy, a to je nesnesitelné." To všechno sice nějak platí, ale nějak jinak, pokud je takto nazván román, který není ani filozofickým pojednáním, ani patentním návodem na to, jak žít. Chybí-li tato elementární rozlišení, snadno se potom může stát, že apartní titul se pod rukou promění ve stokrát obměňovanou frázi: nesnesitelná lehkost války v mediálním světě, nesnesitelná lehkost nakupování, politiky, skandinávského školství atd. atd. To už však nemá vůbec nic společného s Kunderou ani s onou nesnesitelnou lehkostí bytí, podle které se jmenuje jeho asi nejznámější kniha. Neboť Kundera napsal román, to jest vypráví příběh, jenž je cosi jako autorem řízený experiment, během něhož se v laboratorních podmínkých určitého děje ukazuje zváštní nesoulad mezi motivy, úmysly, rozhodnutími a jednáními zúčastněných postav. A vychází najevo i smysl těchto jednání pro druhé, který není týž jako ten, která jim dávají ti, kdo jednají, ani jako ten, který jim přikládá čtenář, jenž tomuto experimetnu asistuje. Lehkost bytí se někdy stává směšností, jindy je trapná a jindy se zase nečekaně mění v tragédii. Protože to, co Kunderu jako romanopisce, teda jako strůjce příběhů zajímá, není fakt nesnesitelné lehkosti bytí, nýbrž nevypočitatelné proměny lehkosti v tíži, směšnosti ve vážnost a neúprosného osudu v kapric. Beethoven upomíná dlužníka a z původně vtipné, protože improvizované repliky "es muss sein" se po letech stane čtvrtá věta kvartetu, v němž se rozmarně pronesené slova náhle mění v tíživou metafyzickou pravdu, kterou pronáší sám osud. Chronický děvkař Tomáš se z úcty k sobě samému stane společenským vyvržencem a jeho záletnictví skrývá hlubokou lásku.
Nesnesitelné lehkost bytí v Kunderově románu teny není nějaký paradox, z něhož se kdykoli může stát fráze: v neslučitelnosti lehkého, které se nedá nést, je spíš skryto proměňování jednoho v druhé, mnohoznačnost. Patos je sice směšný, ale láska je patetická - není-li překryta nějakou maskou ležérnosti; romantika hrdinství je pravá i tehdy, sahají-li pohnutky hrdinů třeba až k lidské ješitnosti, kterou pokládáme za sebeúctu. Prohlédnutí vlastní masky je úctyhodné, ale většinou k němu dojde v nepravou chvíli. A jenom náhoda se nám může jevit jako poselství, teda jako něco, co dává smysl, právě proto, že na ni nejsme připraveni. Anebo, řečeno ještě jinak: náš život čerpá svůj smysl z okamžiků nahodilých zvratů; cosi se zvrtne a nám nezbývá, než se pro něco rozhodnout, něco udělat. Jednáme z náhody a přitom se zavazujeme svým osudem. Život by sice bylo možné brát jako hru, ale potíž je v tom, že tato hra trvá bez přerušení od narození až do smrti a ani na okamžik ji nelze opustit. Nemůžeme totiž "vracet vstupenku", jak ústy jedné ze svých postav pravil již Dostojevskij. Kunderova esejistická forma je zrcadlo této mnohoznačnosti. Nietzsche či Parmenides jsou postavy jeho románu, slova mohou znamenat pravý opak toho, co říkají, protože ne vždy přiléhají k tomu, co pojmenovávají, jsou svodem i maskou stejně jako motivy lidských činů. Ale to u Kundery nikdy neznamená, že tedy na ničem nezáleží. Právě tato nepevnost je totiž tíže, kterou tak těžce neseme, třebaže nic neváží. V lehkosti jeho psaní je nakonec mnohem více vážnosti, než se na první pohled zdá. Stejně jako je ve svobodě našeho života vždy také břímě lidské tělesnosti. Vnitřnosti, jež nevhodně kručí, groteskně povislé pohlaví, zadnice jako dva rance: duše, jejíž jméno je odvozoeno od lehkého dechu, a tělo, kterým jsme připoutáni k zemské tíži. Znovu ale platí, že i v tomto případě je vztah obou velmi jednoznačný: tělo maskuje duši a duše tělo, tělo nelzě zradit tak snadno jako ono samo zrazuje nás, člověk je sám sobě nesnesitelný protože duše vězní jeho tělo, zatímco tělo, jímž je odsouzen k pomíjivosti, mu nedovoluje vejít do světa tíže, do světa věčného navracení téhož. Jistěže to Milan Kundera neříká takto toporně. Ale byla by velká chyba, kdybychom jeho romány, jejichž velkou předností je zdánlivě tak lehká forma, zaměňovali se světáckou elegancí módních autorů všeho druhu. Pozornější čtení může právě v Nesnesitelné lehkosti bytí objevit i nesmírně přesnou analýzu režimu, jehož se dopouštěl i cestou justičních vražd, nýbrž to, že člověka nutil rozhodovat se o vlastním životě v situacích, v nichž jakékoli rozhodnutí mohlo vést ke zkáze - ať morální, ať společenské. A kdyby bylo v Kunderových románech jenom toto, už to by byl dostatečná důvod, abychom jeho romány brali velmi vážně. Ale ono je tam mnohem víc.

A to je pro dnesek cele. Zajimalo by me, jak se lisi pocity ctenaru tohoto textu v zavislosti na jejich veku a zivotni zkusenosti.


Optimalni dobro / Optimized good

It happened several months ago. We were two couples: my friend with his girlfriend and my girlfirend and me. My friend works as and information systems architect, his girlfriend studies art therapy. My girlfriend is a nurse. And I work in managment consulting.
In other words - two guys sharing passion for optimization, structured analysis, efficiency and effectiveness. And two girls who were quite pissed off by the fact that they had to stay in a pub with two freaks who spent the whole evening by talking about this crap.
This article recalled me of that evening (several versions).

What more shall I say - for me efficiency, effectiveness and optimation is (of course not always) about making good.

Stalo se to pred par mesici. Dva pary v hospode: kamarad s pritelkyni a ja se svoji. Kamarad pracuje jako architekt informacnich systemu (nemylim-li se), jeho pritelkyne studuje art terapii. Ma draha polovicka je zdravotni sestra a ja pracuju v management consultingu.
Jinak receno: dva kluci sdilejici vasen pro optimalizaci, strukturovany pristup k problem, efektivnost a efektivitu. A dve holky pekne nakrknuty, ze museji cely vecer poslouchat nase blaboleni o vyse uvedenem.
Tenhle clanek (Britská nemocnice se učí u stáje Ferrari) mi ten vecer pripomenul.
Co k tomu vice rici? Pro me je optimalizace, efektivnost a efektivita (ne vzdy) o pachani dobra.


Averze k riziku / Aversion to risk

Last Friday we had a laser game match - two ESN section fighting each other (ESN VSE Prague and ISC CTU Prague). Well, our team won. Our defensive strategy paid off - even though the other guys complained that we were too defensive. It's true - but the other side is that it took them too long to invent a counter strategy of quick raids into our "fortress". We beat them 1940:661 .
Something about my personal results. I placed 6th - out of 16. Which is not bad after all but I expected more. The score is counted as number of points gained by hitting the enemies minus points for being hit. I had the lowest number of points deducted because of being hit.
Aversion to risk?

Buddysystemacka brigada smrti :-) / The Buddy System brigade of death :-)

V patek se stretly v Laser Game dve prazske ESN sekce - Buddy System a ISC CVUT Prague. Nase dosti obranna strategie se vyplatila - natrhli jsme jim pozadi 1940:661. I kdyz si stezovali, ze jsme to pojali prilis defenzivne, tak bych chybu videl spise v tom, ze jim proste moc dlouho trvalo, nez prisli na protitaktiku - prudke vypady do nasi "pevnosti".
Ted k mym vysledkum. Vysledek ve hre se pocita jako rozdil mezi body ziskanymi za zasahy ostatnich a body za to, kdyz nekdo zasahne vas. Skoncil jsem 6. ze 14, coz nakonec neni tak spatne, ale ocekaval jsem vice. Mel jsem nejmensi pocet bodu za zasahy od ostatnich. Ale nejak jsem se malo trefoval do nich.
Zeby averze k riziku?


Obrazky z NNM 2 / Pics from NNM 2

One more set of pictures from Helsinki.

Jeste jednou fotky z Helsinek.

Suomenlinna (Soph, this is your ship :-))



"Secret" tunnel to Suomenlinna / "Tajny" tunel na Suomenlinnu

Grey and blue / Seda a modra

Tower of the olympic stadium / Vez olympijskeho stadionu

Foggy winter / Mlzna zima

This was pretty close. Somewhere above the Baltic sea. / Tak tohle bylo dost blizko. Nekde nad Baltem


Obrazky z NNM 1 / Pics from NNM 1

Some sixty people from some 12 countries. Four days in Helsinki. Erasmus Student Network, Pallomeri spirit. Lack of sleep. Dark and wet days. Gorgeous.

Asi sedesat lidi z nejakych 12 zemi. Ctyri dny v Helsinkach. Erasmus Student Network, Pallomeri spirit (to nebudu vysvetlovat tady, to je na osobni povidani). Nedostatek spanku, samozrejme. Tmave a vlhke dny. Parada.

Can you imagine that? They opened the terminal 2 couple of months ago. And the hook is still not there. Things like this make me mad. / Nad timhle zustava rozum stat. Kdy ten terminal dve otevreli? A kdy jako primontuji hacky?

Taking pictures on my way to Munich. Is it Krivoklat? / Na ceste do Mnichova. Krivoklat?

A "close moment". Close to the airport in Munich. The sky is getting really crowded. / Slusne priblizeni. U mnichovskeho letiste. Obloha se plni.

The Cathedral in Helsinki. I love it. / Velka slabost, helsinska katedrala.

It was Friday evening. But not later than seven thirty. And it even wasn't a pub but just McDonald. Well... / Pravda, byl patek, ale ne pozdeji nez pul osmy vecer. A ani to nebyla hospoda, ale jen McDonald. No...

Suomenlinna. Another place of Helsinki I really like. / Suomenlinna. Dalsi uzasne helsinske misto.

Dum spiro spero

There are several groups of Czech Army abroad. Only one of them is assigned for combat operations (to the best of knowledge others are peacekeeping). It is the 601st Special Forces Group of General Moravec. They are now in Afghanistan taking part in anti – terrorist operation Enduring Freedom.
Good luck.

Narazil jsem na clanek popisujici soucasnou aktivitu 601. skupiny speciálních sil generála Moravce v Afganistanu - jedine ceske bojove jednotky v soucasnosti zapojene do bojovych operaci (prinejmensim podle seznamu nasich soucasnych zahranicnich misi).
Hodne stesti.


Lide NNM / People of NNM

These are some of the people I met in Helsinki last weekend at ESN Nordic Network Meeting. Now I can just regret that I did not take more pictures of other people.

Par fotek lidi, ktere jsem potkal minuly tyden v Helsinkach na severskem setkani ESN. Nezbyva nez ted litovat, ze jsem neudelal fotek lidi vice.

Natasha. Russian girl representing Norway. / Natasa. Ruska divka zastupujici Norsko.

The sportsman / Sportovec

Davide (hey, Davide, do you remember to whom you were talking?) / Jestlipak si Davide pamatuje, ke komu zde tak okouzlene promlouval...

Workshop for alumni. Marco. / Workshop pro byvale cleny ESN. Marco.

President´s hand / Prezidentova ruka

Klementyna and Karolina. Two Polish girls with whom I share the table at Eurodinner. / Klementyna a Karolina. Dve Polky, se kterymi jsem sdilel stul pri Eurodinner.




The international family. If you want to see more pics you check those taken by Lars and Thomas.

Mezinarodno. Vice fotek nafotil Lars a Thomas.


Voda 9,5° C / Water 9,5° C

Vice obrazku zde / More pics here

Cesky design / Czech design

By chance I found several interesting things created by Czech designers. I hope you will like them.

Nahodou jsem narazil na par zajimavych kousku od ceskych designeru.

Nejen loznice od koncern / Not only furniture by koncern

Kelimek od qubus / A plastic cup by qubus

Cajova sada pro slepe (hubero kororo) / Tea set for blind people (by hubero kororo)



In one week I will be in Helsinki. In the meantime I can just watch its beauty on by webcam.

Za tyden touto dobou budu v Helsinkach. Zatim muzu jejich kouzlo sledovat jen webkamerou.


Evergreen of nation's memory / Evergreen narodni pameti

This is one of few stories which can always divide the nation into two very different groups. In 50s several young men started resistance activities against the communistic regime. During several years they managed to conduct some sabotages, steal some money and weapons, and also kill some people. When their situation become too dangerous they decided to abandon the communistic Czechoslovakia. Group of six started their way to West Berlin. Only three of them managed to reach it. Three of them were captured either by Eastern Germany police or army or by the Soviet Army and later executed. The whole story is well described in Wikipedia (really well, if you have time read it).
Why this story splits the nation? Two of the group, and actually the leaders of the group, are sons of colonel Masin a hero of antinazi resistance movement during the WWII. The inspiration seems to be clear. On the other hand fighting Nazi was something different - the enemy was obvious. They enemy was a foreign power which invaded our country. But: fighting communistic regime seems (at least to some people) different. That means fighting people from your own nation. For some Czech people it would be more acceptable if they fought just soldiers or policemen - but they also killed or wounded people who were not directly holding power (a fireman or a cashier guarding money). And so on...
Again I recommend you to read the whole story.
Every year, on 28 October, when celebrating the anniversary of founding of modern Czechoslovakia in 1918, some people are awarded by our president. And every year the question arises: should these men receive medals or not? And again and again it is a good opportunity to start many discussion in newspapers and on internet. One group says they were heroes, another says they were murderers.
I would rather say they were heroes - even though it is not easy to define such a word. By giving somebody a medal you usually say more about some values you respect, than just about the man/woman honoured. If we don't distinguish them what are we going to say to our children about fighting a criminal regime? How to fight evil?

Na serveru Aktualne.cz probiha diskuse o skupine bratri Masinu.
Rikam si, jestli nekdy nekam dospeje - tezko na tom ci onom serveru, dnes ci za tyden - rekneme v radu let. Zkratka kdy nastane doba, ze treba budou uvedeni v ucebnicich dejepisu s prevladajicim hodnocenim.
Asi bude zaviset na tom, jak se ty ucebnice dejepisu budou psat - neboli budou-li psany se snahou pochopit principialni schovane za tim ci onim cinem.
V souladu s onim principialnim si myslim, ze odmitani jejich cinu je intelektualnim a moralnim selhanim: jak lze principialne odmitat odboj proti zlocinnemu rezimu?
V dusledku totiz nejde o to, co si myslime o cinech, ktere se staly v minulosti, jaksi o sobe. Podstatne je, co nase hodnoceni takovych cinu rika pritomnosti a budoucnosti - ktera muze byt i temna a bude vyzadovat obtizna rozhodovani o tom, jake jednani je spravne a jake nikoli.
V pripade, ze jednani Masinu a spol. odmitneme, vystavujeme se pro budoucnost velmi, velmi obtiznym otazkam, resp. otazce: jak bojovat proti zlu? A mozna jeste horsi otazce, ktera by vlastne nemela ani byt vyslovena: bojovat proti zlu?


Kutna Hora

Two weeks ago I went to Kutna Hora, one of the most beautiful cities of Bohemia, with my grandparents to visit graves of their parents. And also to enjoy the beauty of the city.

Pred dvema tydny jsem vyrazil s dedou a babickou do Kutne Hory, abychom navstivili hroby jejich rodicu. A taky abychom se kochali krasou Kutne Hory.

Svata Barbora

Svata Barbora

Svata Barbora

Linhartova ulice/street


Po letech vyhybani / After years of avoiding it

...I started a full-time job. It will be a big change but it is not the point. The problem is how to overcome the terryfying idea, that it can last for some forty more years. Further studies (MBA, PhD), teaching at uni, own business, paternity leave...

...jsem nastoupil na plny uvazek do prace. Zmena velika, ale o to nejde. Spis jak v sobe premoci hruznou predstavu, ze by to melo trvat nejakych dalsich ctyricet let. Dalsi studium (MBA, PhD), vedle prace uceni, vlastni business, rodicovska dovolena...


Trocha matiky nikoho nezabije

Nahodou jsem nasel dve zajimave stranky:
Doporucuji i tem, kteri si mysli, ze matika neni pro ne :-).


Nove odkazy / New links

Since I use my blog as a list of links I find useful or amuzing I am adding new ones from time to time. So I just added:
  • 65° degrees north in the Suomi section. It is a result of my Finnish obsession (and the fact I like Oulu).
  • ilist.cz in the News of the world section - nothing in English :-(. Just an on-line magazine of my uni.
  • And last but not least I added a new section called Women. As I said I have here links I find useful or amuzing.

V Oulu uz maji snih / There is snow in Oulu already

Vzhledem k tomu, ze blog pouzivam i jako soukromy (no, soukrome verejny...) seznam odkazu, ktere povazuju za uzitecne ci zabavne, obcas nejaky ten odkazek pridam. Takze ted jsem pridal:
  • 65° degrees north v sekci Suomi. Takovy drobny dusledek me naklonnosti k Finsku a Oulu..
  • ilist.cz do sekce News of the world pribyl ilist, neboli on-line verze Studentskeho listu, casopisu VSE.
  • A na zaver jsem pridal i novou sekci priznacne nazvanou Women (Zeny). Jak rikam, odkazy "uzitecne ci zabavne" (a pekne na pohled, chtelo by se dodat).


Helicopters in heavy rain

Nothing deep: after facing so many disastres apresented everywhere one gets unendurable. At the same time you feel that you "are supposed" to feel something. It's interesting to realize when do you feel somehow move.
I felt strange when I first head about the disaster of a helicopter connecting Helsinki and Tallinn. The ralation between me and the disaster: I came to a meeting in Tallinn in Sept 2005. We went also to a harbour for ferries coming from/to Helsinki. Besides being for ferries it was also a helicopter port. One of them was probably just preparing for take off. The main rotor was moving slowly (but still very loudly). Big machine, dark sky and the sea wind - it was all very impressive. I felt like going by the helicopter as well. Others felt the same later...and it was probably one of the last things they felt in theri lifes.
This article was inspired by this message describing some problems with solving the causes of the disaster.

Pomeren banalni: po tolika vsemoznych nestestich a katastraofach prezentovanych vsudemozne clovek otupi. A zaroven si uvedomuje, ze by "mel citit" nejake pohnuti. Je zajimave, pri jakych prilezitostech to pohnuti citi.
Ja jsem ho citil, kdyz jsem se dozvedel o padu helikoptery spojujici Talin a Helinky. Spojitost mezi mnou a onim nestestim: v zari 2005 jsem se ocitl na jistem setkani v Talinu a dostali jsme se i do pristavu, kam krom lodi z Helsinek priletaly i helikoptery. Jedna tam stala, zrejme se pripravovavala ke startu. Velky stroj, hlavni rotor pomalu krouzil, na pozadi temnych mracen a morskeho vetru to bylo nejak prizracne. Rikal jse si, ze bych tu cestu do Helsinek timto zpusobem zkusil. Jini si to take rikali... byla to asi jedna z posledncih veci, ktere si rikali.
K tehle uvaze me vedl tenhle clanek, ktery popoisuje problemy souvisejici s vyresenim pricin havarie.


Strejda Vojta / Uncle Vojta

Recently a three years old daughter of our friends asked about "uncle Vojta". That's one of the first signs of becoming really old I am afraid.

Nedavno se trileta dcera nasich znamych na "strejdu Vojtu". Tak to je asi jedna z prvnich znamek starnuti, zda se mi.


tak to bylo, tak to je

Obcas si clovek rika, ze kdyby mel treba hudebni talent, mohl dirigovat ty ci ony symfoniky. Nebo ze by po nem pojmenovali nejakou vetu ci pojem, kdyby mel hlavu na matematiku.
A nebo me taky napada, ze kdybych mel v tele vice nezrizeneho ducha, vedl bych takovy zivot, jaky popisuje Lou Fananek Hagen ve svem vzpominani "tak to bylo tak to je" (pdf, 3,8 MB).


Dlouhe penize / Long money

There is a wonderful rococo chateau close to our cottage - chateau Nove Hrady.
It was bought by a new owner several years ago. Not only the chateau itself benefits from the new owner but also all discussions related to our cottage: there is always a good reason for mentioning the last improvements and reconstructions when talking about the last trip there .
There is a measure called Return on Investment. Its inverse value says how many time periods is needed to earn the invested money back. It seems to me that the chateau is quite long money. But having such an amount, I would invest it too I think...

Vstup / Entrance

Kousicek od nasi chalupy je krasny rokokovy zamek Nove Hrady (nezamenovat s Novymi Hrady v jiznich Cechach). Foto prikladam.
Pisu o tom proto, ze pred par lety (tak peti, odhadem) koupil zamek novy majitel a - od te doby stavba vzkveta. Opravuji se fasady, zahrady, stary spychar, na louce za vesnici pestuji vysokou. Zkratka clovek ma tema k rozhovoru a skoro vzdy, kdyz se referuje o chalupe, referuje se take o tom, jak Nove Hrady zkrasnely od posledne.
Existuje ukazatel, kteremu se rika Return on Investment, cesky asi navratnost investice (jo, davat ve skole vice pozor :-)). Prevracenou hodnotou se da zjistit, za kolik casovych obdobi se investice vrati (neboli - za jak dlouho budete na nule). Tak si rikam, ze tohle budou hodne dlouhe penize. Ale mit je, asi bych do toho sel taky...

Dvur se zahradou a vyhledem do vesnice / Courtyard with the garden and a view on the village


Jak na zkousku / Suit for an exam

I found an article on one Czech student server which adresses the issue of proper clothes at an oral exam. In the Czech Republic there is something like a custom to wear suit. But, and that was the point of the article, there is certain controversy about it. The author even says that the teacher did not allow him to sit for the exam (or even gave him "did not pass") because of wearing inproper clothes (something like a T-shirt with "Burn in hell" written on it).
I tried to argue that wearing a suit is something what does not decrease your freedom significantly but rather is a part of a big group of customs and values which to certain degree guarantee the we will not kill each other. Or in other words: this is one of the values which keeps the society a good place for living.

Na Academice se objevil clanek o tom, zda-li jit na vysokoskolskou zkousku v obleku, resp. jak vubec prijit oblecen. A jak hodnotit to, kdyz zkousejici zkouseneho vyhodi od zkousky treba pro jeho (")nevhodny(") odev.
Clanek neni nejak zasadne objevny, nicmene v diskusi par prispevku za precteni stoji. Podle nich na MFF UK nebo FJFI CVUT zkousejici dochazeji na zkousky obleceni lezerne, na matfyze i v trenkach (k tomu citat: "Jinak, na tu zkoušku se nemusíte oblíkat, teda voblíkněte se, ale ne jako že byste přišli v obleku." zdroj). Jeden z prispevatelu tvrdil, ze na VSB se vyzaduje slusne obleceni v predpisech, ale nenalezl jsem to.
Prijde mi, ze pokud to ma skola uvedeno primo v predpisech, tak asi neni co resit. Co ale jinak? Myslim, ze plati obecne pravidlo, ktere predpoklada, ze zkouska je v jistem smyslu zvlastni udalost, pro ktere se vyzaduje i lepsi obleceni. To je snad bezesporne (a zde nejsem priznivcem prilisne svobodomyslnosti, protoze ochrana, rekneme, tradic, mi prijde smyspluplna*).
Ale pak se muze stat, ze zkousejici vyhodi studenta od zkousky kvuli obleceni (studentovu, ne vyucujiciho). Myslim, ze s ohledem na predpisy (ktere zpravidla rikaji, ze zkouska overuje znalosti apod.), by to slo napadnout. Spis by me zajimalo, co by se stalo, kdyby takto vyhozeny student pak u jineho vyucujiciho odmitl byt prezkousen, kdyby vyucujici podle jeho nazoru nesplnoval vseobecne naroky.
Rozhodne by to stalo za pokus, jak by se k tomu postavilo vedeni te ktere skoly.

*Uvadim to sice v ramci hvezdicky, ale mozna, ze prave zde je jadro problemu. Pri obhajobe tradic a hodnot (nebo "hodnot", jak chcete), se lze jen tezko vyhnout pocitum, jakkoli se clovek snazi o racionalni argumenty. V tomto pripade bych rekl, ze tradice a ony zminovane hodnoty maji za ukol udrzovat spolecenskou strukturu (coz lze vylozit jak tak, ze to umoznuje "udrzet prave aktualni usporadani mezi vykoristovateli a vykoristovanymi", tak tak, ze to vice mene zarucuje, ze se vsichni nepovrazdi). Zcela pochopitelne je problematicke vymyslit univerzalni pravidlo, ktere by umoznilo rozhodnout, kde jde spis o pripad prvni ("vykoristovani"), a kdy spise o pripad druhy ("nepozabijeni se"). V konkretnim pripade mi vsak prijde, ze u obleku u zkousky o vykoristovani nejde (no, spise ne). O pozabijeni asi take spise ne (jakkoli obcas by zprovozeni ze sveta nektereho konkretniho vyucujiciho jiste bylo ku dobru sveta - to se ale muze tykat i studenty, jiste). Ale klicem k uvaze (jakkoli klicem pocitovym) je to, ze odstranovanim onech jednoduchych a zdanlive nevyznamnych pravidel a hodnot se otevira cesta k onem zavaznejsim.
Tak nevim, jestli se mi to podarilo vylozit srozumitelne (jak kdysi pravil jeden vyucujici).


Restart: obrazky/pictures

Vice o "restartovaci oblasti" zde.
You can learn more on the "restart region" right here.


It is interesting - whenever I am abroad for a longer period of time, besides normal homesickness, I always long for going to our cottage or cabine. Among woods, fields, and sand rocks, without running water, sometimes pretty chilly. Shortly: totally opposite to all benefits of the modern world. It is not a dead hand - just a necessary "brain restart". How do you restart?

Je zajimave, ze kdyz jsem dele v cizine, tak krom klasickeho smutneni po domove se nejvice dostavuje chut vyrazit na chalupu. Mezi lesy a poli, skalami, bez tekouci vody, obcas pekne vymrazena, zkratka protiklad vsech vymozenosti moderniho sveta. Neni v tom zadne staromilstvi - jen nutnost "restartu" mozku. Jak restartujete vy?


Growth as a process

For all of you who are obsessed with business and management as I do names such as Jack Welsh, GE and Jeff Immelt are not new. You may find interesting this article (pdf, 292 kB). It is an interview from Harvard Business Review with Jeff Immelt. It addresses the problems of growth and also provides plenty of interesting stories from GE. Enjoy (as I did).


Baleni / Packing

An interesting idea came to my mind while I was packing (big backpack, small bacpkack, notebook bag - all pretty stuffed): maybe it is God's punishment for man's expansiveness. To show the mankind that the space is limited and that it is really not wise to gather too many things. Maybe there is another connection behind: being less expansive we would stay at our village, don't travel (constantly) somewhere and would need maximally a back-basket to put the made shoes to and carry them some 15 kilometers to market in the closest city (as my grandgrandfather did).
But one Czech songwriter and singer is right when saying: "Only the stones and people are brave enough to rive off the hill and in the world constantly changing change what hasn't been changed yet."

V prubehu baleni (velky a maly batoh a taska na notebook) vsech veci na cestu zpet me napadlo, ze baleni je Bozi trest za lidskou rozpinavost. Aby lidskemu druhu bylo ukazano, ze prostor je omezeny a ze chtit mit spoustu toho ci onoho neni uplne rozumne. Tahle souvislost ma asi jeste hlubsi prvek: nebyt tak rozpinavi a chtivi, sedeli bychom stale nekde na vesnici, nikam necestovali a maximalne bychom potrebovali tak nusi, do ktere bychom jednou za cas dali usite boty a nesli je 15 kilometru polnimi cestami do mesta na trh (jak to delal muj prapraded). Ale jak uz zpival Pavel Dobes: "...jen lide a balvany maji tu odvahu, urvat se ze skaly a padat dolu ze svahu a na svete, ktery se furt meni, prekonat, co prekonano neni..."


Zase odnekud odjezd / Again leaving one place

Last night in Nuremberg. Maybe there are some deeper unconscious reasons behing all this travelling and changing roles for short and long term - will to find "yourself" at one of those moments of change. One Czech actor and author once said "You are right but it sounds stupid."

Posledni noc v Norimberku. Kdovi, jestli tohle vecne cestovani a stridani roli na dlouhou i kratkou dobu neni zpusobeno nejak podvedome - snahou v jednom z tech zlomovych okamziku najit "sama sebe". "Mate pravdu, ale zni to blbe," rekl by k tomu mozna pan Werich.


Aug-Sep 2006

During so called "clean up project" in which we thrown away content of literally some two hundred of binders Tobias assembled in of the rooms new metal shelfs. Maybe it was a consequence of the nostalgic feeling coming from the last day at work in N., maybe it was a feeling of continuity which emerged as a conseguence of reading even some thirty years old documents coming from the previous company (on which "ruins" the current one was founded). Simply, I took a marker and wrote Tobias's, Nakul's and my name on the bottom side of one of the shelfs and added "Aug-Sep 2006". As far as I know I have never done this before. Here the feeling of nostalgy as well as the fact that the message was hidden play certain role. I just wonder by whom and when the message will be discovered. If ever.

V ramci vyklizeci akce, behem niz jsme v tovarne vyklidili nekolik mistnosti a bez prehaneni vyhazeli obsah mozna dvou set sanonu, Tobias smontoval v jedne mistnosti nekolik plechovych polic. Mozna to bylo nostalgii posledniho pracovniho dne v Norimberku, mozna pocitem jiste kontinuity, ktery se zrodil z prolistovavani i tricet let starych lejster pochazejicich z predchoziho podniku, na jehoz troskach vzniknul ten dnesni. Zkratka jsem vzal fixku a na dolni stranu jedne z polic jsem zvecnil jmeno Tobiase, Nakula a sebe. A pridal k tomu napis Aug-Sep 2006. Pokud si dobre vzpominam, tak jsem se nikdy nikde timto zpusobem nezvecnil - tady hrala zrejme roli jednak ona zminovana nostalgie, jednak skrytost vzkazu. Zajimalo by me, kym a kdy bude ten vzkaz jednoho dne objeven. Zdali.



To remember the less intimate thoughts - or "outsource" the memory somewhere. And thus keep some free space in the mind for deeper thoughts.
Share the thoughts with the others in the easiest way available these days (unless you can teach me telepathy).
Force myself to make some order in my thoughts.
To have fun.

Pamatovat si mene intimni myslenky - nebo nekam "outsourcovat" vlastni pamet. A tak si v hlave uchovat misto pro hlubsi myslenky.
Sdilet myslenky s ostanimi v soucasnosti nejjednodussi formou (tedy pokud me nehodlate naucit telepatii).
Donutit se k tomu, abych si v myslenkach udelal poradek.
Bavit se.