
Obrazky z hor / Pics from mountains II

The second set. As you can see the weather was great (next time I will take some sun lotion...). Pure pleasure.
Druha sada. Pocasi bylo vytecne (pro priste je nutne si vzit vice opalovaciho kremu). Cista radost.


Obrazky z hor / Pics from mountains

Just a little appetizer for the other pictures from my holiday.

Drobny predkrmek pred dalsimi obrazky z hor.


Nove odkazy / New links

I added several new links (see the Reflections section). One of them is published by a German antarctic expedition. Enjoy :-).

Pridal jsem do sekce Reflections nekolik novych odkazu. Jeden z nich je psan nemeckou polarni expedici.


Poklady YouTube aneb zivotni role

Brouzdal jsem trosku YouTube a hle, co jsem nalezl:
Tak at vas to pobavi tak, jako to krasne pobavilo v sobotnim poledni me.


Vitezna fotka / Winning picture

There was a photo competition at work - the topic was something like "humourous side of working in D". And here is the winning picture (by me :-)). One could conclude that the life at D. is not that funny if this is supposed to be the funniest picture...
Awaiting the prize...

Meli jsme v praci fotografickou soutez s tematem neco jako "Vesele momenty z D.". A tohle je vitezny obrazek (autorem je moje malickost). Jeden by rekl, ze prace v D. neni tak vesela, kdyz vyhraje takovy obrazek...
Tak ted cekam na vyhru.