

Znepokojive, znepokojive obrazy. Ale kdyz uz jsem na vystave v Rudolfinu, zpravidla na sebe nechavam obrazy nejak pusobit. Tady to ale moc neslo.
It is an exhibition currently taking place in Prague - so you can see promotion posters for instance in the subway with a little girl wearing sort of SS uniform. Disturbing pictures.

Epiphany I. (Adoration of the Magi 2) / Zjevení I (Klanění tří králů) (pragueout.cz)

Hyperrealismus samozrejme tu chladnost a znepokojivost jen podtrhuje. A co si budeme povidat, nemecke uniformy z druhe svetove maji svoji esteticnost. Vse to dobre do sebe zapada.

What you can see are not photographies - they are all paintings. This is what makes the impression stronger - and sort of cooler.

The Disaster of War 3 (helnwein.com) / Hruzy valky 3

Znepokojivost koneckoncu neni bez aktualnich konotaci z Rakouska - Aribert Heim nebo Fritzl, to jsou pripady tak akorat zapadajici. Tezko to rici lepe nez v recenzi z pragueout.cz.
Když v roce 1980 publikoval v jednom časopise obraz mrtvého dítěte s hlavou v talíři s jídlem, vzbudil tím okamžitou debatu po celém Rakousku. Helnwein ale jen reagoval na rozhovor s rakouským psychiatrem Heinrichem Grossem, který připustil, že za nacistů sprovodil ze světa stovky dětí a ještě zdůraznil, že tak učinil humánním způsobem podáním jedu v jídle. „Neměl jsem ani problém s tím, že je někdo dost šílený, aby podobnou věc provedl. Můj problém byl v tom, že v téhle zrůdnosti nikdo problém neviděl. Lidé si to vyslechli, ale nenásledovala žádná reakce. Ani jediný protestní dopis. Ve stejné době dostala národní televize 3500 stížností, protože se v ní moderátor objevil bez kravaty…Když jsem pak publikoval obrázek holčičky s hlavou v talíři jídla, byli lidé najednou vzrušení a spustilo to diskuzi, která po letech vedla k výpovědi zmíněného psychiatra…zdá se, jakoby obrazy byly někdy silnější než slova,“ uvažuje Helnwein v rozhovoru pro časopis Start. (nechcete to nekdo prelozit?, nejak nemam sil)
All the weird paintings are somehow well linked to the current media picture of Austria (at least picture present in Czech mainstream media) - the cases of Aribert Heim or Joseph Fritzl really dont create a good promotion for the country. But what is really behind is well described in an interview with the painter (maybe somebode will volunteer to translate it or I will do it myself if I have more time). He mentiones two stories from Austria: an Austrian psychiatrist admitted in an interview that he killed hundreds of children during the WWII and he emphasized that he did it in a humane manner by giving the poison in food. Nobody reacted to that horrible confession while some 350 complaints were sent to the Austrian TV after a moderator appeared without wearing a tie.

Heydrich hloubá nad Golemovou dcerou (pragueout.cz) Heydrich contemplating on Golem's daughter

This is a picture presenting quite distorted sense of humour: if I remember well this was originally a photography of Heydrich looking at Czech crown jewels. The old man on the right is president Emil Hacha - president of the Protectorate during the WWII era. Still a person of our history with mixed valuation. The story which could be linked to this picture is as follows: there is a belief that a person who wears the Czech crown without being the Czech king will die in less than a year. And this is exactly what is said to happen to Heydrich - he was assassinated by Czech paratroopers. The only point is that probably nobody really knows whether he put the crown on his head or not. Another, and probably not the last, interpretation "problem" with this picture is that Golem did not have a daughter.

Ale koneckoncu, znepokojivost nevyplyva z toho, co Helnwein maluje o Rakusanech, ale z toho, co by treba nahodou mohl rikat i o jinych spolecenstvech a jednotlivcich...



Okomentoval jsem glosu Igora Lukese na strankach Respektu. Pekne jsem ho zdrbnul. A ne kvuli lasce k Bushovi.


Changes / Zmeny

I changed the layout (or rather the colour scheme) slightly - not due to any special reason; I just felt that change was due.
Besides I also tagged all the contributions - so now you can see a list of all tags on the right. Actually it was quite interesting to go throught all the 95 posts I have created since 26 September 2006. Choosing the tags was not done in any well organized manner - it was rather based on immediate feelings. So if not counting the posts marked with "Links" or "Pics" the most common topis was "Metaphysique". Followed by "Societas" and "Da-da". Interpretation is up to you - well, nothing complicated indeed. Just the way I feel.

Trosku jsem pozmenil barevne schema - bez nejakeho vyrazneho umyslu, spise jsem citil, ze nastal cas pro zmenu.
A krom toho jsem oznacil tzv. stitky vsechny prispevky - jejich seznam je videt hned vpravo. Byl to docela zajimavy proces, prohrabat se vsemi 95 zaznamy, jez jsem ucinil od 26.9.2006. Vybirani jmen pro stitky nebylo nijak zvlast sofistikovane - proste jsem napsal, co me napadlo. V dusledku tedy, nepocitame-li nejfrekventovanejsi odkazy ("Links") a obrazky ("Pics"), je nejcastejsim stitkem "Metaphysique", nasledovan "Societas" a "Da-da". Intepretaci ponecham na laskavem ctenari, ale koneckoncu to neni nic komplikovaneho - proste to, jak citim.