
Radosti a strasti nejen s detmi

Petr Koubsky na twitteru: "Dítě přišlo ze školy se zadáním nakreslit erb naší rodiny vyjadřující charakteristické vlastnosti a úspěchy členů. Nechci to vidět."
Docela by me zajimalo, jake s tim ma pani ucitelka zkusenosti. Mela by vedet, ze deti jsou nerizeny strely...


The second family

Several days ago we celebrated 10 years from the date when Buddy System joined ESN and sort of became ESN VSE Prague. Today, first 8 posts I see on FB are from current or former members of Buddy System. Three new master degrees finished, one picture of a baby, one home to be rebuilt, one family (so far the only purely Buddy System alumni marriage as far as I know) enjoying life with two witty children. I praise the day I joined Buddy System and become a member of a great community. Live long and prosper Buddy System!