
Zase odnekud odjezd / Again leaving one place

Last night in Nuremberg. Maybe there are some deeper unconscious reasons behing all this travelling and changing roles for short and long term - will to find "yourself" at one of those moments of change. One Czech actor and author once said "You are right but it sounds stupid."

Posledni noc v Norimberku. Kdovi, jestli tohle vecne cestovani a stridani roli na dlouhou i kratkou dobu neni zpusobeno nejak podvedome - snahou v jednom z tech zlomovych okamziku najit "sama sebe". "Mate pravdu, ale zni to blbe," rekl by k tomu mozna pan Werich.


Vilda said...

No, tohle JE ovsem docela intimni myslenka ;-)

Czech NR said...

No, JE. Taky se zrodila v dosti intimnim okamziku. V takove hodine mezi psem a vlkem.