
Obrazky z NNM 2 / Pics from NNM 2

One more set of pictures from Helsinki.

Jeste jednou fotky z Helsinek.

Suomenlinna (Soph, this is your ship :-))



"Secret" tunnel to Suomenlinna / "Tajny" tunel na Suomenlinnu

Grey and blue / Seda a modra

Tower of the olympic stadium / Vez olympijskeho stadionu

Foggy winter / Mlzna zima

This was pretty close. Somewhere above the Baltic sea. / Tak tohle bylo dost blizko. Nekde nad Baltem


Obrazky z NNM 1 / Pics from NNM 1

Some sixty people from some 12 countries. Four days in Helsinki. Erasmus Student Network, Pallomeri spirit. Lack of sleep. Dark and wet days. Gorgeous.

Asi sedesat lidi z nejakych 12 zemi. Ctyri dny v Helsinkach. Erasmus Student Network, Pallomeri spirit (to nebudu vysvetlovat tady, to je na osobni povidani). Nedostatek spanku, samozrejme. Tmave a vlhke dny. Parada.

Can you imagine that? They opened the terminal 2 couple of months ago. And the hook is still not there. Things like this make me mad. / Nad timhle zustava rozum stat. Kdy ten terminal dve otevreli? A kdy jako primontuji hacky?

Taking pictures on my way to Munich. Is it Krivoklat? / Na ceste do Mnichova. Krivoklat?

A "close moment". Close to the airport in Munich. The sky is getting really crowded. / Slusne priblizeni. U mnichovskeho letiste. Obloha se plni.

The Cathedral in Helsinki. I love it. / Velka slabost, helsinska katedrala.

It was Friday evening. But not later than seven thirty. And it even wasn't a pub but just McDonald. Well... / Pravda, byl patek, ale ne pozdeji nez pul osmy vecer. A ani to nebyla hospoda, ale jen McDonald. No...

Suomenlinna. Another place of Helsinki I really like. / Suomenlinna. Dalsi uzasne helsinske misto.

Dum spiro spero

There are several groups of Czech Army abroad. Only one of them is assigned for combat operations (to the best of knowledge others are peacekeeping). It is the 601st Special Forces Group of General Moravec. They are now in Afghanistan taking part in anti – terrorist operation Enduring Freedom.
Good luck.

Narazil jsem na clanek popisujici soucasnou aktivitu 601. skupiny speciálních sil generála Moravce v Afganistanu - jedine ceske bojove jednotky v soucasnosti zapojene do bojovych operaci (prinejmensim podle seznamu nasich soucasnych zahranicnich misi).
Hodne stesti.


Lide NNM / People of NNM

These are some of the people I met in Helsinki last weekend at ESN Nordic Network Meeting. Now I can just regret that I did not take more pictures of other people.

Par fotek lidi, ktere jsem potkal minuly tyden v Helsinkach na severskem setkani ESN. Nezbyva nez ted litovat, ze jsem neudelal fotek lidi vice.

Natasha. Russian girl representing Norway. / Natasa. Ruska divka zastupujici Norsko.

The sportsman / Sportovec

Davide (hey, Davide, do you remember to whom you were talking?) / Jestlipak si Davide pamatuje, ke komu zde tak okouzlene promlouval...

Workshop for alumni. Marco. / Workshop pro byvale cleny ESN. Marco.

President´s hand / Prezidentova ruka

Klementyna and Karolina. Two Polish girls with whom I share the table at Eurodinner. / Klementyna a Karolina. Dve Polky, se kterymi jsem sdilel stul pri Eurodinner.




The international family. If you want to see more pics you check those taken by Lars and Thomas.

Mezinarodno. Vice fotek nafotil Lars a Thomas.


Voda 9,5° C / Water 9,5° C

Vice obrazku zde / More pics here

Cesky design / Czech design

By chance I found several interesting things created by Czech designers. I hope you will like them.

Nahodou jsem narazil na par zajimavych kousku od ceskych designeru.

Nejen loznice od koncern / Not only furniture by koncern

Kelimek od qubus / A plastic cup by qubus

Cajova sada pro slepe (hubero kororo) / Tea set for blind people (by hubero kororo)



In one week I will be in Helsinki. In the meantime I can just watch its beauty on by webcam.

Za tyden touto dobou budu v Helsinkach. Zatim muzu jejich kouzlo sledovat jen webkamerou.


Evergreen of nation's memory / Evergreen narodni pameti

This is one of few stories which can always divide the nation into two very different groups. In 50s several young men started resistance activities against the communistic regime. During several years they managed to conduct some sabotages, steal some money and weapons, and also kill some people. When their situation become too dangerous they decided to abandon the communistic Czechoslovakia. Group of six started their way to West Berlin. Only three of them managed to reach it. Three of them were captured either by Eastern Germany police or army or by the Soviet Army and later executed. The whole story is well described in Wikipedia (really well, if you have time read it).
Why this story splits the nation? Two of the group, and actually the leaders of the group, are sons of colonel Masin a hero of antinazi resistance movement during the WWII. The inspiration seems to be clear. On the other hand fighting Nazi was something different - the enemy was obvious. They enemy was a foreign power which invaded our country. But: fighting communistic regime seems (at least to some people) different. That means fighting people from your own nation. For some Czech people it would be more acceptable if they fought just soldiers or policemen - but they also killed or wounded people who were not directly holding power (a fireman or a cashier guarding money). And so on...
Again I recommend you to read the whole story.
Every year, on 28 October, when celebrating the anniversary of founding of modern Czechoslovakia in 1918, some people are awarded by our president. And every year the question arises: should these men receive medals or not? And again and again it is a good opportunity to start many discussion in newspapers and on internet. One group says they were heroes, another says they were murderers.
I would rather say they were heroes - even though it is not easy to define such a word. By giving somebody a medal you usually say more about some values you respect, than just about the man/woman honoured. If we don't distinguish them what are we going to say to our children about fighting a criminal regime? How to fight evil?

Na serveru Aktualne.cz probiha diskuse o skupine bratri Masinu.
Rikam si, jestli nekdy nekam dospeje - tezko na tom ci onom serveru, dnes ci za tyden - rekneme v radu let. Zkratka kdy nastane doba, ze treba budou uvedeni v ucebnicich dejepisu s prevladajicim hodnocenim.
Asi bude zaviset na tom, jak se ty ucebnice dejepisu budou psat - neboli budou-li psany se snahou pochopit principialni schovane za tim ci onim cinem.
V souladu s onim principialnim si myslim, ze odmitani jejich cinu je intelektualnim a moralnim selhanim: jak lze principialne odmitat odboj proti zlocinnemu rezimu?
V dusledku totiz nejde o to, co si myslime o cinech, ktere se staly v minulosti, jaksi o sobe. Podstatne je, co nase hodnoceni takovych cinu rika pritomnosti a budoucnosti - ktera muze byt i temna a bude vyzadovat obtizna rozhodovani o tom, jake jednani je spravne a jake nikoli.
V pripade, ze jednani Masinu a spol. odmitneme, vystavujeme se pro budoucnost velmi, velmi obtiznym otazkam, resp. otazce: jak bojovat proti zlu? A mozna jeste horsi otazce, ktera by vlastne nemela ani byt vyslovena: bojovat proti zlu?


Kutna Hora

Two weeks ago I went to Kutna Hora, one of the most beautiful cities of Bohemia, with my grandparents to visit graves of their parents. And also to enjoy the beauty of the city.

Pred dvema tydny jsem vyrazil s dedou a babickou do Kutne Hory, abychom navstivili hroby jejich rodicu. A taky abychom se kochali krasou Kutne Hory.

Svata Barbora

Svata Barbora

Svata Barbora

Linhartova ulice/street


Po letech vyhybani / After years of avoiding it

...I started a full-time job. It will be a big change but it is not the point. The problem is how to overcome the terryfying idea, that it can last for some forty more years. Further studies (MBA, PhD), teaching at uni, own business, paternity leave...

...jsem nastoupil na plny uvazek do prace. Zmena velika, ale o to nejde. Spis jak v sobe premoci hruznou predstavu, ze by to melo trvat nejakych dalsich ctyricet let. Dalsi studium (MBA, PhD), vedle prace uceni, vlastni business, rodicovska dovolena...


Trocha matiky nikoho nezabije

Nahodou jsem nasel dve zajimave stranky:
Doporucuji i tem, kteri si mysli, ze matika neni pro ne :-).