Just a little explanation: the march to Prcice is one of the most famous touristic/sport events in the Czech Republic. It was already its 42nd round this year. There are several routes you can choose from - the shortest one is 14 km, the longest one is 70 km.
I've been interested in going to Prcice for two years alredy or so but always something hapenned what had prevented me from going there (i.e. I didn't have the gutts). But this time I had told about that to so many people that I was simply forced to do so (btw: this approach works quite well for instance when you want to break).
Here are some comments (just a random set):
- the main problem was not the problem of being tired but pain of joints and during last 10-15 km also blisters,
- the beginning of the road is interesting especially due to architecture of new suburbs (usually featuring lack of taste), later on the landscape is what attracts attention,
- during first 40 km people walk rather in groups later they split,
- last 10 km were really critical - one was not only tortured by pain in various parts of the body but also by groups of people who walked just the shortest parts: families with little screaming children or groups of drunkards,
- well, one quite useful and inobvious piece of advice: if you are about to walk/run long distance it is wise to lubricate the area between you buttocks - you would never believe how much it can hurt because of friction after tens of kilometers (this time I was fine); it is also good to seal up nipples (again friction - this time with shirt),
- some pain killers may pay off - it is sort of doping...but what can I do, without three pills I wouldn't have make it,
- regarding food - hard to provide any valuable advice, I didn't eat all sandviches I prepared, on the other hand I ate all chockolate bars I had, I had three glasses of beer during the brakes and even one pickled sausage.
One question remains: why? Hard to say. Most likely to get the feeling that am able to make it. And also to walk in the nature. And to become more interesting and have something to write about :-). Everything counts.
Takova vzdalenost, takovy hruby cas (ve 14 h asi 1,5 h prestavek). A dele jak tyden trvajici bolest v nekterych partiich nohou (k tomu mirna hypochondrie).
Do Prcic jsem chtel jit uz asi tak dva tri roky, ale vzdycky do toho neco vlezlo (cti: vymekl jsem). Ale ted jsem to inzeroval tolika osobam, ze nebylo lze couvnout (tohle inzerovani neceho za ucelem dotlaceni sebe sama funguje napriklad pri rozchodech...). Par poznamek k celemu spektaklu, jak mi prichazeji na jazyk:
- hlavni obtize nesouvisely s unavou, ale s bolestmi kloubu a na poslednich 10-15 km i s puchyri,
- zacatek cesty je zajimavy diky architekture okoloprazskych satelitnich mestecek, pozdeji vladne krajina,
- tak prvnich 40 km se lide jaks taks drzi pohromade, pak se to zacne dost trhat,
- poslednich 10 km bylo kritickych, protoze k telesnym utrapam se pridalo psychicke stradani z rodinek s urvanymi parchanty a particek pivnich skautu (obe slo kratsi trate, takze meli energie na rozdavani),
- je to trochu zinantni, ale pokud se chystate na nejakou podobnou akci, doporucuji si promazat nejakym kremem to...no, proste mezi hyzdemi - kdyz se rozedrou, je to silena bolest,
- z podobneho ranku je i prelepeni bradavek (to jsem nakonec neudelal, ale siklo by so) - pro neduvtipne: zpocenost a trvale drhnuti o triko dokaze udelat sve,
- neni od veci si vzit s sebou prasky proti bolesti - moralne je to trochu pochybne, protoze se tim devalvuje cela kalvarie, ale co nadelam - bez tri ibalginu bych to asi nedosel,
- co se tyce stravy po ceste a v prubehu prestavek, nemam jednoznacne doporuceni - peclive pripravene bagety se syrem a salamem jsem nesnedl, docela mi smakovaly ruzne sladke tycinky, na jedne prestavce jsem si dal utopence, po ceste jsem mel i jedno velky a dve maly piva (desitky), zkratka si myslim, ze telo si rekne.
V tuto chvili bych asi nerekl, ze pujdu i pristi rok - hlavne kvuli mnoha asfaltovym cestam, ktere jsou dost unavne.
A samozrejme se nabizi otazka: proc to? Tezko rict. Asi ziskat to vedomi, ze na to mam. A taky se projit. A byt necim zajimavy a mit o cem psat :-). Everything counts.
Klobouk dolů. Je pravda, že my jsme v 90. letech taky pořádali podobné podchody, ale nejvíc, co jsem ušel v kuse, bylo 50km (k pramenům Vltavy a zpět). 70 najednou, to je slušnej výkon i pro starší škodovku:-)
chtěl sem říct "podobné pochody":-D
a jinak jsem tím doslova myslel týdenní tábory, kde se každej den ušlo průměrně 30-35km...
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