
Keeping the sea lines open

Some of you may know my obsession with icebreakers - I dont mean the short activities for warming up a group of people but the real ships. It is hard to say where does this interest come from. Basically there may be these reasons behind: I like big powerful machines, I like winter, ice and the like, and I also like the sense of responsibility related to the importance of such a machine that so many people rely on.
You may not share this obsession, however you may like the picture published on Virtual Finland. Check the slideshow.
Just a short introduction: "Icebreakers are more than mere motor ships. They are part of Finland's cold weather culture, and admired accordingly. Apart from their image as princes of the sea lanes, they are essential for the economy."

Zkratka a dobre: velmi pekne fotky ledoborcu a z ledoborcu.

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