
Expecting sophisticated crimes

In general - being a person full of doubts and sometimes even enjoying doubts - I dont like people without doubts. Mainly because they are not open to discussion - or they may be open to discussion, however I believe discussion deserves being called a discussion only if there is a potential of changing ones views. Without doubts this usually cannot happen. And discussion is something what allow us to adapt to changing environment and uncover new features of our world and lifes.
Zdeněk Sýkora: Nudná (Boring), 2006, source
It is interesting that even people who are supposed to challenge assumptions daily, people who are paid for thinking "out of the box", sometimes overlook their own mental boxes and what's more are unable to accept this fact. People without doubts... One of the good examples is probably represented by the roots of the current financial crises - many assumptions have not been challenged. Most likely because people who were paid for doing so were pretty successful - and success usually is not the point of your life which would make you think deeply.
The recent article (
Resisting the Seductions of Success) by Harvard Business School faculty explores a situation of successful people. It may make you think. Enjoy.

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