

Minuly tyden jsem dal dohromady kratky "summary" zajimavych clanku z internetu - a zaclo me to nejak bavit. Tak uvidime, jak se to bude dale vyvijet.

Diky Vildovi za upozorneni - v Praze vznikla nova naucna stezka ("Z tabulí se dozví nejen historii konkrétních míst, ale také například to, že jedna ze zastávek na Střížkově nese název po archivářce dopravního podniku, která pečovala o řidiče autobusů - ti se pak zasadili o to, aby zastávka nesla její jméno." Vice na strankach Prahy 9.). Zapadlo to do meho zajmu o mesto - uz delsi dobu si slibuji, ze se pokusim ryze amatersky zdokumentovat jakasi "uzemi nikoho" v Praze: mista naletu, opustenych tovarnicek a dilen, to vse v rozpadle strukture budov. Staci se projet kolem LOMu v Malesicich, podivat se k teplarne v Holesovicich nebo se kouknout k Bubnum. Mimochodem, Vilda stezku uz prosel a pekne nafotil.

Kdyz jsme u urbanismu a architektury, budova byvale restaurace EXPO je take hodna pozoru. Skoda jen, ze nakonec z ni jsou kancelare (samozrejme je to furt lepsi, nez kdyby budova spadla). Nic proti nim, ale restaurace by byla lepsi. Clanek podrobne shrnuje historii budovy (vcetne jednoho z duvoud, proc budova tak rychle podlehla zkaze - pocitalo se s ni jen na vystavu, takze pouzite materialy trvanlivost potrebnou pro dlouhodobe uzivani, nedej boze neuzivani).

EXPO 57 (idnes.cz)

Nemate nekdo cestu do Pacova? Nechal bys si privez neco tech vytecnych klobas, abych sam okusil :-). Pripomina mi to spolecny udiv s Kubou nad tim, ze se divime tomu, ze je v jednech klobasach docela dost masa. Takhle nejak asi zacal upadek Rima, myslim...

Jine pravo je dobrou cetbou - koneckoncu myslim, ze je to jeden z nejcitovanejsich blogu v novinach. Diky nemu jsem se dostal i k rozhovoru s Vojtechem Simickem o komunistickem pravu. Dalsi kniha, kterou by stalo za to si precist (o hromade jinych knih, ktere se povaluji kolem postele prikryta casopisy taktez k precteni, pomlcim).

A aby tech tizivych veci nebylo uplne malo, rozhodne stoji za to si precist zjisteni o vegetativnim stavu - pro premysleni o eutanazii to rozhodne neni spatne (puvodni clanek).

A na zaver neco o vymirani Evropy. Neumim posoudit, nakolik je to pravdive, ale nezni to uplne pritazene za vlasy.

I am rather not one of those who forward more or less funny jokes circulating through Internet. But - this one is simply worth publishing. Not only because it is funny but also because it is often pretty true.

For those of us who have children in our lives, no matter if they are our own, grand-children nieces, nephews or students . Here is something that makes us all laugh.

When your kids are out of control, comfort yourself with the thought that even God's abilities as a parent didn't suffice for his own children. Having created the heaven and the earth, God created Adam and Eve and his first words to them was: "Don't do that!"
"Don't do what?" asked Adam.
"Don't eat of the forbidden fruit" God answered.
"Forbidden fruit? Do we have forbidden fruit? Hey Eve, we have forbidden fruit!!!!"
"No we don't!"
"Yes we do!"
"DON'T eat of the fruit!" said God.
"Because I'm your father and because I say so!" said God, while he wondered why he didn't stop the Creation after the elephants. Some time later, God saw his children eating of the apples and he was furious:
"Didn't I tell you NOT to eat of the fruit?" he said.
"Uh huh," Adam answered.
"So why did you do it?" asked God.
"I don't know," said Eve.
"SHE started!" Adam said.
"NO I didn't!"
"YES you did!"
God had had enough and his punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own. That's the way it was and it hasn't been changed ever since.
But, there is comfort to find in this!
If you persistently and lovingly have tried to inspire wisdom into your children and they haven't learned, don't be too hard on yourself.
If God had problems raising his children, what makes you think that it would be easy to you? Here is a little something to think about: 1. You spent the first 2 years of the life of the children to teach them to walk and talk. After that you spent the next 16 year to ask them to sit down and shut up! 2. Grand-children are God's reward for not killing your own children.
3. Teenage-mothers know now why some animals eat their own younglings.
4. Children rarely cite you wrong when they repeat what you've once said. In fact they repeat precisely all the things you shouldn't have said.
5. The main reason why you have kid's birthdays is to remind you that there are children that are more appalling you're your own.
6. We baby proof our homes, but they still get in.
Today's advice: Be gentile to our children – they will one day find you a home!!
And finally…If you have stress in all of your body and headache, do as written on the glass of your pills: Take 2 and keep yourself insusceptible to children.
Quickly send this message to 10 other people within the next 5 minutes. Nothing happens if you don't, but if you do, 10 people will get a good laugh!

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