
What does make a place (you live in)

Some of the picture sets on Englishrussia are..well...depicting reality. In other words your perception of the part of reality the set is depicting is strongly influenced by the set itself. And sometimes Englishrussia is strong in ... supporting some of the assumptions / prejudices one (especially the one who has never been to Russia) may have.
Here comes a set from Kola Peninsula. I think you will get my point once you go through the pictures (check both sets, they are really worth it).

Would you like to live there? Or would you like to go there and see what the reality is like?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

from all the exotic destinations (for comfortably numb bohemian) starting with Patagonia and French Micronesia and ending in India or in the deserts of Africa the Russia (or maybe EnglishRussia) is my prime choice.
A jeep and some two months off, probably a ride from the very north to the southern borders.
Count me in :-)\
btw I added ER to my twitter account some time ago to be in touch with their updates