
Accidental encounter

Originally there was an article in Novy prostor (a magazine you can buy from homeless or poor people in Prague) about a band called Wolves in the Throne Room. Saying that they play some kind of black metal - but actually not following all rules of the genre. And that their music is sort of close to Sun O ))).
An accidental encounter - taking into account that I normally dont read articles about music as I dont think you can really get the right perception from a written text.
At least in this case I was wrong - probably because I already had some kind of experience with this field of music and because I really like Sun O)).

Now the question comes: Am I starting to read articles about music or was just because I saw words "black metal"? In other words: Is there a change going on in my approach to reading articles about music? No matter how subtle this question may sound it is an interesting one - it relates to changes in one's mind. Changes that can refer to some changes going on somewhere deeper.
An interesting (potential) finding about myself indeed.

Nevertheless, ticket for the Prague concert reserved. Wanna join?


Anonymous said...

misspelling!? ;)

Czech NR said...

I found just one. Hope it is the one you found :-).